Other MPRC CMP Sanctioned Matches:

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August 16th, 2014 program can be found by clicking here.

The MPRC holds 3 additional CMP sanctioned matches per year. All CMP events are run as double matches. All matches will be 30 rd. events (CMP John C. Garand Course "A" of fire) with 5 sighters shot on the standard SR HP target at 200 yds. except for the Carbine match, which will follow the Carbine Course of Fire. This match is 40 rds. for record with up to 10 sighters in 10 minutes shot on the standard SR-1 HP target at 100 yds. All CMP matches are run per CMP rules and as such there are NO ALIBIS. All rifles must conform to CMP rules.

Entry fees for these matches are $20.00 per event. MPRC members receive a $5.00 discount. For double CMP matches an additional $10.00 per competitor is required if shooting the second match.

Ammo IS NOT provided, however, limited quantities of .30/06 and .30 carbine ammo are available for purchase. All ammo purchased must be used in the match that day, otherwise, please bring your own ammo including handloads.

CMP medals of achievement will be awarded to those who score high enough.

All competitors are expected to stay for the entire match to help score and pull targets, no exceptions. Please see the Events Calendar link on the left for a schedule of these matches.

The complete CMP rulebook can be found on the CMP website here.

Please contact Art Curow with any questions about this event.

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