M1A / M14 Match:

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June 28th, 2014 program can be found by clicking here.

MPRC holds one M1A/M14 Match each year. This match is run exactly like the "M1A/M14 Only" match at Camp Perry each summer during the National Matches. However, MPRC does allow other types of Military Semi-Automatic Rifles. So if you don't have a M14 type rifle but still want to try the course of fire, please come on out. Garands, AR-15s, FALs, etc. are all welcome. Regardless of the rifle use, only mettalic sights are allowed.

The match for all rifles is shot on the SR-3 class target from 300 yds. This is the same target used at Camp Perry for the M1A/M14 only match. The match is 50 rounds for record with 5 sighting shots. There are NO ALIBIS. All competitors start in position for the 2 rapid fire stages. Ammo IS NOT provided, therefore please bring your own safe ammo, including handloads.

Cost is $15.00 per competitor, MPRC members receive a $5.00 discount. All competitors are expected to stay for the entire match to help score and pull targets, no exceptions.

Click here for the M1A / M14 Course of Fire.

Due to lower cost of entry, there will no longer be cash awards for these matches.

Please contact Art Curow with any questions about this event.

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