I have not participated much at the club in the last few years. I just downloaded the SOP's and have a couple of questions.
Cleaning - I see that sweeping with a broom is no longer allowed in the firing range itself. So if I am reading this correctly we are to: e. Brass may be collected into a common area using the squeegees. c. Use the vacuum to remove brass from floor.
Meaning squeegee it into a pile and then vacuum it up?
Then for general range rules. Are there any times when it is not ok to be loading magazines and/or have loaded magazines as long as they are not in the firearm?
Howdy! Glad to see some people making use of the forums. Sorry that the SOPs are locked. I wanted it to be a central place to maintain the information without it becoming cluttered.
I'm certain Art or one of the other long-timers can answer better than I, but here's what I've seen:
Generally we squeegie it into a pile. If there are significant amounts, push it onto a dust pan with the squeegie & drop it in the bucket. I think they generally use the vacuum for along side the walls were .22 brass tends to get stuck. I honestly haven't read the entire SOP myself (50 lashes!) - but I believe the reason for not using brooms is to cut down on lead dust.
My understanding of the range rules is:
1- if the range is "cold / safe" - and people are changing targets or downrange for any reason... or if a freeze is called you should **NOT** be loading magazines or touching any part of your firearm for any reason.
2- I think it is ok to have loaded magazines 100% of the time. They simply cannot be in the firearm while the range is "cold / safe" nor can you be handling them while the range is "cold / safe"
... Anyone that has read the SOPs (or someone who helped write them) feel free to correct me here ...
A well armed militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Einstein said the definition of insanity is "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
It keeps everything as simple and safe as possible. If you're not touching anything at the firing line, it's obvious and easy to see you aren't doing anything unsafe. It makes everyone at the range, including the rangemaster more comfortable.
I'll be happy to go into an ellaborate, logical explanation if need be.
A well armed militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Einstein said the definition of insanity is "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."